Eminent Strings 218

by Synthoholic (5 years ago)
Famous string set rebuilt. Use mod wheel to let the speaker rotate.

Fat Velo Bass1 Classic Synth Patches 739

by Synthoholic (6 years ago)
Velocity-controlled synth pop signature bass.
Synthoholic (6 years ago)

Forever Lost OS Patch Pack 01 68

by OscillatorSynk (6 years ago)
This patch by Oscillator Sink is originally available at oscillatorsink.com

FullStrings GB Classic Synth Patches 454

by Synthoholic (6 years ago)
String preset taken from TAL-UNO-LX bank.
Synthoholic (6 years ago)

Genghis Khan Ld Svengali Sounds 168

by Fer_Svengali (6 years ago)
T'ie mou jen - Foot Pedal turns Osc2 ON

HarpsiBell12 RM PAD 224

by Rob (5 years ago)
Harpsichord/bell-like sound. Env 3 routes to noise level to give a slight but effective percussive attack.

Herido ~,~ Svengali Sounds 107

by Fer_Svengali (6 years ago)
Detuned but friendly Poly Synth

Hog On Ice OS Patch Pack 01 74

by OscillatorSynk (6 years ago)
This patch by Oscillator Sink is originally available at oscillatorsink.com

HoneyDistPluckLD Pluck Lead 179

by Fox GAMING (5 years ago)
Second Custom Patch I've ever made. Simple Sound with Distortion Effects. Mod wheel affects VCF Freq.