Search results for 'Rob' (7)

Superstition RM Lead 268

by Rob (5 years ago)
Similar to Stevie Wonder clav bass lead in 'Superstition'

Percussive RM POLY 163

by Rob (5 years ago)
Percussive xylophone timbre. Almost FM-sounding

HarpsiBell12 RM PAD 224

by Rob (5 years ago)
Harpsichord/bell-like sound. Env 3 routes to noise level to give a slight but effective percussive attack.

Analog Glass RM Pads and Leads 254

by Rob (5 years ago)
Glassy attack with ethereal decay. Add some mod wheel for some added 70's funk.

Spanish Guitar Pads and Leads 211

by Rob (5 years ago)
Metallic pluck sound, reminiscent of Spanish guitar, with reverb. Mod wheel opens filter.

Power Saw 12voc Brassy Pad 182

by Rob (5 years ago)
12 voice saw tooth, psuedo-layered via the DualPitch Effect. Not as powerful as Unison-2, but works well when you need 12 voices of chorusy saw.